Saturday, April 7, 2012

Social Media and politics!

When you think about everything going on in the world, what better way is there to get your point across than with the click of a button; write, send and reach out to millions of people? This is how all smart businesses, politicians and entrepreneurs are doing business in today’s world. Social Media is the way you can share the latest news, views, products and knowledge in an organized, fast method. From Judy Shapiro of Social Media Today: “ With today's accelerated pace of social broadcast platform introductions, it is easy to think of blogs as an old tactic – easily tossed aside in favor of the new shiny social tech toy that’s ever so cool. Blogs have become the tech cast-off’s plummeting from being the poster child of the social revolution to a social “has-been” in barely 24 months. Yet I encourage us to ignore the dearth of articles declaring blogs dead because well used, blogs are a powerhouse platform that lets companies share ideas, deepen customer engagement and get business inspiration not possible in any short form. Successful examples of bloggers abound – most notably TechCrunch’s catapult to journalistic credibility from its humble beginnings as a slightly irreverent “in love with tech” blog site. Or as a more business orientated blog, Mark Suster’s “both sides of table” is a gem of a blog that provides real insight into the quirky VC/ venture/ tech frothy world. His consistently high quality content is a great way to bring new audiences to his thinking which no doubt results in new connections not possible otherwise.” There is a dark side however to Social Media, with sexual predators and abuse to the lack of actual face time for people.The following YouTube video shows the power of Social Media when politics come into play: I sent you all a tweet from Judy’s Blog. Let me know if you got it and what you think! References:

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