Sunday, April 1, 2012

And the survey says:

Here is my survey from Google Docs. I'd love to send it to you. A couple of you have already! Please send me your gmail address (or email address) and I can send you the form. This little survey feature will be especially terrific in setting up business meetings between many companies. Right now we have to email each other as to what is the best date, time, etc. for our meetings. Our many vendors have sent requests directly to my Outlook schedule, but then I can't add a meeting room location, or add the video equipment that I may need for the meeting. This is especially true for my overseas vendors. I always have to have my Assistant set up the rest of the room with the proper equipment and room because you can't add anything unless you are the meeting organizer. This is a problem that can be adverted with the use of the survey feature! To be able to organize the meeting at the proper time and place and have the ability to pull in whatever media devices (like our portable video conference system)is going to be so much easier. The GoogleDocs programmers have been listening to the people that use it. They are constantly making upgrades and adding features. Most recently enhancements have been made to the Presentations GoogleDocs. From the website Google Docs - What's new:
Just launched! •Introducing a new Google presentations! Whether you’re trying to wow your boss with an end-of-quarter presentation or impress your classmates with an animated book report, the new version of presentations can help. Here’s a quick look at the latest features available in presentations: Character-by-character collaboration lets you see others’ updates as you edit presentations together. •Chat with collaborators directly within the presentation. •Draw organizational charts, flowcharts, design diagrams and much more right within Google presentations. •Transition between slides to add more effects to your presentation. •New and improved animations make your presentations more dynamic. •Shape linking lets you turn shapes within your presentation into hyperlinks that link to other slides, presentations, or webpages. •Revision history stores edits so you can revert back to previous versions. •New themes make it easy to create show-stopping presentations." The other nice addition is that you can download or drag and drop spreadsheets and pictures from other places directly into the Presentation with little effort. It is more user friendly and adaptable from other software and internet locations. What's your survey say? References: Downloaded from the intranet, April 1 2012:

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