Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mobile Devices -Too much talk at work?

Hi Class! Computer Weekly had a great article about the advantages and pitfalls of allowing employees to use their mobile devices at work. "Allowing employees to use personal mobile devices for work purposes can increase productivity and improve security measures. But managing users' mobile devices can present security risks too. The consumerisation of IT has forced IT departments to manage an array of mobile devices. As IT security professionals juggle the security pitfalls of allowing employees to access company data via their personal mobile devices with the productivity advantages, user education is becoming more important to raise awareness about protecting company data as well as personal information. Nigel Stanley, practice lead for security at Bloor Research talks to’s Jenny Williams about the security pitfalls and advantages of allowing employees to use personal devices in the workplace. While personal smartphones can introduce greater two-factor authentication security measures as well as increasing productivity, data loss risks and liability issues can outweigh the benefits." At my own workplace, it seems like everyone is walking around with their mobile phone. VP's are constantly on theirs' during meetings which I can't stand. The height of rudeness is when you are at a meeting and while you're talking, someone is answering an email and not paying attention. That's a huge disadvantage! It's just not right. I think many people think that they must stay connected to everyone and if a more important person (according to them) texts, emails or calls them, they go ahead and answer. People never seem to be in the moment. On the other hand, my employer benefits by being able to get in touch with me at any time when I'm not at work. I am always connected to them. This can be a problem - when do you stop and just have time to yourself? You can drive yourself crazy by always being accessible. It's not good for the soul in my book. What do you think?
Downloaded from the internet March 7,2012:


  1. Michele: I agree. While researching this topic, I came across a study conducted by CareerBuilder. They found that 12% of the people who were surveyed said they felt guilty when they weren't at work while they were on vacation. It also indicated that people are actually working more than ever. This really makes no sense now that we supposedly have tools that should be making our jobs easier and faster. It makes me wonder where we are going.

  2. Michele,

    Agreed, in meetings the phones need to be put away. It is extremely rude for people to be texting in the middle of a presentation, no matter what your position. If you can’t put it down, then leave. I tell my manager that I love my job, because I can work any 80 hours a week I want…..LOL. My bride keeps me in check when I get home, the phone buzzes, and I get that look….”Go ahead….I dare you to answer it”. It is certainly out of control, but I do enjoy being able to e-mail and or text my bride and daughter.
